Given the COVID pandemic, the use of telehealth visits has quickly expanded. Telehealth visits are appointments with your medical provider that happen digitally over the internet, usually with either an audio or video connection or both. The use of telehealth has been shown in some medical specialties to be easy to use and liked by patients. However, how patients going through fertility testing and treatment may feel about telehealth visits during their uniquely personal journey is unknown. We hope to gather your feelings and thoughts on telehealth visits for fertility care through the following survey. Your responses to the survey will provide valuable information on how the fertility field can best serve you, our patients, in our changing healthcare climate and shed light on whether telehealth should continue moving forward. We thank you in advance for your time.

You are being asked to be in this research study because you have used telehealth visits for fertility treatment. If you join the study, you will complete the following survey.

This study is designed to learn more about patient satisfaction towards receiving fertility treatment via telehealth visits. Possible discomforts or risks include the time required to complete the survey. There may be risks the researchers have not thought of. This study is not designed to benefit you directly.

Every effort will be made to protect your privacy and confidentiality by not collecting any specific information about your fertility treatment or any personal identifying information.

You have a choice about being in this study. You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be.

The data we collect will be used for this study but may also be important for future research. Your data may be used for future research or distributed to other researchers for future study without additional consent if information that identifies you is removed from the data.

If you have questions, you can contact Ivy Lersten, MD at You can ask questions at any time. You may have questions about your rights as someone in this study. If you have questions, you can call COMIRB (the responsible Institutional Review Board) at (303) 724-1055.

By completing this survey, you are agreeing to participate in this research study.

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