You are being asked to be in this recruitment registry because you expressed interest or have already participated in a healthy participants research study with the Colorado Antiviral Pharmacology Lab (CAVP) at the CU Skaggs School of Pharmacy. If you agree to be included in this registry you will be asked to provide demographic information and contact information.

Using this information, investigators performing COMIRB approved research studies will determine whether you may potentially be eligible for a study. If it is determined that you may be eligible for study participation you will be contacted via phone or email regarding your interest in the study. Emails may include IRB approved study advertisements. Your participation in the registry and any study you are contacted about is completely voluntary. You do not have to participate in any study you don’t want to.

A possible risk of being in this registry is a potential loss of your confidentiality. Every effort will be made to protect your privacy and confidentiality by keeping your information in a secure password-protected database. The University of Colorado Denver (UCD) and its affiliated hospital(s) have rules to protect information about you. Federal and state laws including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) also protect your privacy.

The institutions involved in this registry include the University of Colorado Denver and the University of Colorado Hospital.

The research registry including your information may be looked at by others who have a legal right to see that information, such as:

  • Federal offices such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) that protects research subjects like you
  • People at the Colorado Multiple Institutional Review Board (COMIRB)
  • The study doctor and the rest of the study team (the CAVP Lab)
  • Officials at the institution where the research is conducted who are in charge of making sure that we follow all of the rules for research

You have a choice about being in this registry. You do not have to be in this registry if you do not want to be. You can withdraw from the registry at any time by contacting a member of the research team.

If you have questions you can call the research team at 303-724-8296, or email us at You can call or email with questions or concerns at any time.

You may have questions about your rights as someone in this research registry. If you have questions, you can call COMIRB (the responsible institutional review board). Their number is 303-724-1055.

By completing this survey, you are agreeing to be included in the CAVP Healthy Participant Research Registry.

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