FIELD NOTE (Colorado)

Facilitators, HEROs, Regional Health Connectors, and CHITAs complete regular field notes. We want to hear about what could affect (positively and negatively) the practice's improvement work on cardiovascular disease care.

Complete a new field note after each substantive contact with a practice, such as planned meetings and conference calls. A brief field note should also be completed if a meeting was canceled or missed. NOTE: All items on the form are required. Please give the best answer you can.

The field note answers three basic questions:

(1) What did you do at this visit? (activities, resources, tools, training)

(2) What's next? (plans and responsibilities for follow up, including the next visit or contact)

(3) What other essential information do we need to know? (key "takeaways" and assessment of engagement and teamness)

Thank you.

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