Sleep and Emotion Regulation Across Early Childhood Study

We are currently recruiting for a research study about sleep, biological rhythms, and emotion in preschool children. We are interested in healthy children with no health problems who will be 30-36 months of age between September 2011 and May 2013 (born between March 2009 and October 2011). Children must take daytime naps and a parent must be available for at-home assessments. The study lasts about 4 weeks. Because this research requires time and effort, your child receives a $200 savings bond and you receive $220 cash at the end of the study. Your child is also frequently rewarded with small "gifts." For more detailed information on the study, visit our website(

To find out whether your child can be a part of the study, you will need to answer some questions about the health and development of your child and immediate family members. All of the information you provide is kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of our research team. Some of the questions we ask may probe sensitive areas. If you do not feel comfortable answering a question, just skip it and move on to the next one.

A number of factors, such as sleep habits, medication, illness, family history, age and so forth, help us determine if we are able to fit your child to the requirements of this particular study. Many volunteers will be screened but unfortunately not everyone will be able to participate. If for some reason we are unable to include your child in the study, we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know. If this is the case, however we would still like to keep your information in our files so that we may contact you about future studies.

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