Thank you for your interest in our study assessing physiological function with age! Your answers to the questions on this screening form will be used to determine whether you qualify for participation in our research study. Your responses are confidential and will only be used for research purposes

Participation in this pre-screening is voluntary. If you agree to participate in this pre-screening, please continue filling out the survey below; if not, simply exit without entering any information.

Feel free to call us at (303) 735-6410 or (303) 492-2485 or email us at or with any questions you may have.

Once you begin the survey, you must answer all the questions and it will take ~10-15 minutes; you cannot save your answers and continue at a later time.

After you complete the form, a member of our research team will review your responses and contact you regarding your participation within 5-10 business days. Thank you for your time and consideration of our research!

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