DOM Specific Aims Page Workshop Registration |
To submit your registration for the Specific Aims Page Workshop, please complete the form below.
This 2-session grant writing workshop focuses on developing outstanding Specific Aims pages for applying to external grant funding agencies such as the NIH.
Session 1: Wednesday, March 5, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
Didactic presentation, including best practices for writing a compelling specific aims page, followed by discussion time in breakout groups according to the grant mechanism you are applying for (K or R). Participants will learn:
- How to grab the reviewers' attention and stand out from the pack
- How to tell your story
- Advice on how to structure this critical 1 page overview of your proposal
- Critical elements to include on the aims page
- Common mistakes to avoid
Session 2: Thursday, April 3, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Interactive workshop format - we will critique your specific aims pages and work to improve them.
This 2-session workshop is open to all in DOM. Space is limited, and those working on their K proposal or their first or second R01 or R01-equivalent proposal will be prioritized for admission.
Workshop led by Jennifer Kemp, PhD, Director of the DOM Research Office, Kristine Erlandson, MD, Division of Infectious Disease, and Paul MacLean, PhD, Division of Endocrinology.
Registration is required. This is an interactive workshop format. Those wishing to participate in Session 2 must submit a draft Specific Aims page one week before the session.
For questions please contact:
DOM Research Office (
Thank you!